Project Overview

Programme: HORIZON-CL6-2023

Type of Action: HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions

Duration: January 2024 – December 2026 

Consortium: 18 partners from 7 countries

Coordinator: University Maastricht 

Total Budget: 4 999 987.50 eur

The Challenge: Addressing the gap between the availability of Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs) and their adoption by EU farmers poses a significant obstacle. Despite considerable investment, factors such as high costs, distrust in ADSs, and connectivity issues in remote areas hinder widespread adoption and usage among farmers.


Develop a methodology, build an infrastructure and a set of reusable open-source (OS) software services to enable the co-creation of open-source ADSs for use by farmers, advisors and AgriTech SMEs.

Facilitate the creation of a community of farmers, advisors, IT experts and AKIS actors for co-creating OS and open hardware ADSs focusing on a comparison of edge, cloud and mixed solutions, thus enhancing the sector’s sustainability and competitiveness.

Pilot the co-created edge and cloud-based ADSs and compare their effectiveness, efficiency and energy performance in various biogeographic and socio-economic framing contexts at farm, regional and national scale.

Provide a decision-making tool for policymakers, farm advisors, farmers and public administration for the selection of the most appropriate edge, cloud, or mixed model based OS ADSs.

Expected Results:

Partners will collaborate in order to tackle current challenges in the agricultural sector by designing and/or implementing:

Community integration and co-creation protocols

Reduced environmental footprint of farming

Improved working conditions

Co-created innovative OS ADSs

Enhanced transparency across the value chain

Support alternative business models, creating additional revenue streams

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