Open Call

OpenAgri Open Call closed on December 2nd, 2024!

OpenAgri Open Call aims to attract small consortia of two entities and should be formed by an Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs) provider (SME, university, research institute, non-profit organization) and an end-user (a farm, farm structure, farm cooperative or other agrifood production organisation or company representing farms). Their goal is to collaborate and co-create new Open Source (OS) ADSs building on existing mature cloud solutions, demonstrating both Edge and Cloud/mixed versions of the ADSs, and piloting them in areas with low connectivity to compare the results and see if the performance of the new solution is adequate.

The Open Call (OC) will select 9 new SIPs of the same structure as the 5 core SIPs. The OC will focus on countries, crops, overall conditions, production processes and/or technologies not already covered by project SIPs, with the expectation that they will benefit from the most recent developments and innovations in the area.

Submissions closed at 17h CET, 2nd of December 2024.

  • The ADSs will be innovative, cost-effective, energy-efficient, and address important challenges of crop production and livestock management

  • The ADSs will be based on emerging technologies and use open-source software and/or open hardware principles.

  • The functionalities offered by the ADSs will be identified through a co-creation process involving both the technology provider and end-users.

  • Two versions of the ADSs are expected to be delivered and evaluated.

  • The ADSs need to have a high starting TRL (TRL>5).

  • All new SIPs are expected to integrate at least one of the OpenAgri reusable OS Services in their solutions

  • All new ADSs are expected to follow interoperability standards, adopt the OpenAgri Common Semantic Model for data exchange with the provided OS services.

  • All new SIPs will deliver some openly available outputs thereby contributing to Open-Source Software and/or Open Hardware.

The following types of crop production and livestock management applications/solutions (but not limited to) are expected to be funded within OpenAgri Open Call (for more information please check Applicants’ guide below):

EVALUATION: After the OpenAgri Open Call has been closed, an eligibility check process will be carried out by the OpenAgri Open Call team to discard non-eligible applications. Following the eligibility check, a remote evaluation will be done by a carefully selected external reviewers. Each proposal will be reviewed by two different reviewers, with specific technical and/or business expertise related to the topics of the call.

© 2025 OpenAgri
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301 Howard St. #600
San Francisco, CA 94105