Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences is an internationally known node of the European Research Area in the field of IT infrastructure of science and an important R&D center in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).
PSNC areas of interest regarding agriculture topics:
Transforming agri-food sector with HPC, Big Data, Cloud services and IoT to reduce scarcity and increase food supply,
Tools for automatic analysis of data collected by UAVs or drones (real-time crop maps, variability detection etc.),
Models for integrated pest management and recommendations,
Optimizations based on data supporting decision making on interventions, use of fertilizers, benchmarking of farms, etc.
Semantic models for agriculture data providing a common vocabulary to support interoperability between different services/applications,
Integration of data relevant to farming production and their semantic enrichment,
Knowledge discovery via data link discovery, reasoning and federated access.
Role in the project:
Leader of SIP4 – Arable/Sugar beet and Potatoes (cooperation with other polish partners: WODR and L-PIT)
Leader of T2.1 – Interoperability, Data Sharing & Reuse involved in all WPs