ISP is the innovation support center of Boerenbond, the professional organization of every farmer, horticulturist and greengrocer in Flanders and East Belgium. Boerenbond represents all farmers and advisors in Flanders and East Belgium to Copa Cogeca and EUFRAS respectively. ISP participates in local and European projects on various topics, all topics helping farmers to work in an economical, ecological and sustainable way.
Role in the project:
ISP will participate in SIP3 (Arable/Potato blight) in Belgium, offering farmers, advisors and experts that will participate in the co-creation and piloting of ADSs.
ISP will involve Boerenbonds’ advisors and farmers in co-creating and testing the solutions.
ISP will facilitate knowledge transfer and exchange of experiences among the stakeholders involved in the development, deployment, and use of ADSs.
During the last year of the project, each SIP will organize an Open day in a farm.
ISP will assist in the development of a framework including good practices, tools, processes, stories, and blueprints.
Need/problem: Potato blight, especially under the new climate conditions, leads to yield loss and/or requires more pesticides.