Green Supply Chain Digital Innovation Hub

GSC GR is a Digital Innovation Hub in Greece, which aims at supporting the digital transition of all actors (large and small) operating inside the agri-food supply chain, helping them cross the “digital divide”. It is a one-stop shop that will contribute to their digital transformation while promoting sustainable development, circular economy, environmental protection, and tackling climate change. Thus, it will help the formation of a “green supply chain” and the transition to a sustainable, fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system.

The GSC team consists of a multidisciplinary mix of experts coming from different backgrounds, including computer science experts, agronomists, business experts, lawyers and more. A key strength is our passion for sustainable agriculture and our expertise in using digital and data technologies in agroecology practices. We are one of the very few DIHs actively involved in this space, especially through our new Agroecology Living Lab which aims at supporting farmers in adopting agroecology practices.

Role in the project:

GSC GR is the leader of Task 2.2 on “Energy balance optimisation and evaluation” concerning the optimisation of energy and computing resources in agricultural production using edge and cloud-edge mixed model computing. Moreover, GSC GR has a major role in developing the OpenAgri OS Services and the interoperability and data-sharing mechanisms of the project. Furthermore, in the context of Task 3.2 on “End-user applications development”, GSC GR will lead each SIP in co-creating one cloud-based and one edge or mixed model-based ADS, with the help of the engaged end-users. Finally, it is the ADS provider in SIP5 on digitising the organic compost production.


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